Who we are
The Path to the Future is with Enerjisa
We work in line with our vision of a sustainable energy world for all; and we accelerate sustainable energy transformation by providing the infrastructure and services required for the futur
We focus on creating value both for our employees and society at each step we take to succeed today and in the futu
As the agile and innovative energy company of Türkiye, we focus on people and build all our activities on the va l ues of integrity, passion, courage, continuous develop ment, and engagem
At Enerjisa, we adopt an approach that embraces differences and includes everyone, and we believe that the diversity in our work environment is enric
We ensure that all our candidates are evaluated in an equal and fair manner, and we conduct our recruitment processes with a philosophy devoid of preju
What about being a party to our
at we do
Pioneering the energy transformation in Türkiye with a particular focus on sustainability and the vision for a better future for all, Enerjisa Enerji provides service to 25 percent of Türkiye in electricity distribution and retail, which are the main fields of activities of the company. Being the prominent player in the industry, our company reaches 10.7 million customers in 14 provinces and provides electricity distribution services to more than 22 million users. Furthermore, while Enerjisa Enerji offers renewable energy, efficiency, and green energy solutions to its customers via its Energy of My Business brand, the company also operates the first and fastest charging station network in Türkiye with Eşarj, the company of which Enerjisa owns majority of it
s shares.
We offer sustainable solutions touching peoples’ lives with our business models focused on efficiency and technology in line with our approach centering on people, technology, and customers. During the course of our activities, we have the goal of assessing new opportunities in the sector and creating value for our partners, customers, employees, suppliers, and
As the agile and innovative energy company of Türkiye, we are powered by people and build our activities on the values of integrity, passion, courage, continuous development, and
What awaits you
in this role
We are looking for a “Brand Communication Specialist"
- for our team.
Bachelor’s degree in Communications, Social Sciences or r - elated fields,Minimum 3 years of experience in marketing communications, brand communications or internal c
- ommunications,Excellent verbal and written communication in Turkis
- h and English,Strategic, flexible, proactive, creative, problem-solving and optimi
- stic attitude,Well-organized, detailed oriented, ability to work on multiple projects simultaneously, able to work with ti
- ght deadlines,Strong prioritization, organization, and project mana
- gement skills,Abil
- ity to travel,If you live in Istanbul or Ankara, we are looking forward to you
r application.
What we expect
Overseeing Enerjisa’s brand communication and strategy, reputation and corporate identity - in all platforms,Planning & executing of annual advertising pl
- an and campaigns,Supporting internal communication activities in collaboration with People a
- nd Culture teams,Collaborating joint studies with People and Culture teams on employer
- branding issues,Managing leadership communication (both internal and di
- gital platforms),Planning and executing of
- internal events,Managing social media of Enerjis
- a and sub brands,Conducting brand awareness and corporate rep
- utation research,Designing and publicating of corporate material
- s and promotions,Managing stakeholders including advertising, digital and media agencies and other relat
ed third parties.
How we conduct our
- recruitment process
P - reliminary InterviewGeneral Aptitu
- de and English TestsPeople and Cultur
- e and Team
- InterviewCase
- StudyRefere
nce CheckOffer Stage
What are the privileges of bein
- g an Enerjisa employee
Hybrid work model supported by ergono - mics and communication,Flexible working hours and
- hours without meetings,Extensive private health, and life insurances & company-supported Pri
- vate Pension Insurance,Inter-departmental
- rotation opportunities,Training & development opportunities supporting both personal and pro
- fessional competencies,Leave package including 5-Day Welcome Leave, Birthday and Ex
- tended Parental Leaves,Employee Support and Counseling Practice Resource